How to Create a Video that Drives Results

You’ve got an idea for a great commercial video, but how can you be sure it will create real results? Utilizing research, a purposeful approach, and a concise message is the short answer, but we have a few more tips to ensure a great return on investment.

Research, Research, Research

If you want a successful video, you must become an expert on your own brand. Not only must your knowledge be sharp on your business products or services, but you also need to know who is engaging with your brand, and where. Scour your social media and webpage analytics to discover what kind of content resonates with your audience, and which groups of consumers live on each site. If you’re able to determine your audience’s engagement habits, you will be able to create a more successful video that both speaks to their interests and achieves your marketing goals.

Another crucial piece of the puzzle is finding out how your audience wants to be approached. Do they respond better to straight facts or a little humor? Do they want to be pitched to directly, or would they prefer an interview, how-to, or behind-the-scenes style advertisement? If you are unsure, try out some A/B testing with your social media accounts to see what sparks an interest before investing in a video. Researching analytics on your platforms will help you to determine who spends the most time where, and on which audiences your video should zero-in.

Placement and Purpose

Accomplishing a successful video requires a purposeful approach, and that includes considering the best environment for your project. Choosing a specific platform will determine the necessary aspect ratio, duration, and content of your project. For example, some platforms may encourage music and graphics, a vertical or horizontal orientation, and some may have time restrictions. Each of these factors into your video’s engagement rate, so it is crucial to investigate your digital spaces and establish a thoughtful plan before jumping into production. A video production agency can help you explore what options will work best for your brand.

Next, determine how your call to action will coincide with your intended environment. Think about what interests this specific platform’s audience about your brand. Are they here to shop, learn, or engage with a community? Play into the kind of content that they are accustomed to seeing and enjoy. Then, decipher the heart of your message: Are you looking for increased web traffic, an on-the-spot purchase, or something else entirely? Your video should reflect only one action for your audience to complete in order to receive the best conversion rate possible. If you are unsure where to begin, consider working with a professional video services company such as Rock Shore that has expertise in many varieties of video.

Get to the Point

It’s an unfortunate truth that most viewers won’t watch an entire video online. With an endless barrage of videos available on the Internet, yours must stand out in order to stand a chance. That’s why your audience needs to know who you are and why they should be compelled to listen within the first ten seconds of your video.

This may seem difficult, but consider the ways in which you can communicate your brand non-verbally. What do the people, products, colors, environment, and music in your video say about your business on top of what’s being stated out loud? Make your script direct and purposeful. Your audience will be able to navigate your video and decipher your “ask” much easier if it is not hidden among unnecessary information. Save your audience from information overload, and ensure that they will follow through on your call to action by working with a commercial video production team that can help you write the perfect script.

Want more tips and tricks? Rock Shore is here to help at rockshoremedia.com/contact.

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